Funduino fretsaw blades 12 pieces, 130mm for metal - various sizes
- Item no: F23108913
- Weight: 0,00 kg
- Packing dimensions: 13 cm x 0.4 cm x 0.4 cm (L x W x H)
Our fretsaw blades are high quality and have a finely serrated blade that has been specially developed for use in fretsaws. These saw blades are characterized by their fineness and precision, which makes it possible to perform detailed and complex cuts in various materials.
There are various sizes and types of fretsaw blades, which differ in terms of their toothing, thickness and length. The choice of the right saw blade depends on the type of material to be cut, the desired cutting accuracy and the desired cutting pattern.
These scroll saw blades are particularly suitable for hard materials such as metal and hard plastics.
Thickness: The thickness of the fretsaw blades varies. Thinner blades are more flexible and are well suited for tight curves and delicate work, while thicker blades are better suited for straight cuts and rougher work.
Here is an overview of the available variants:
Overview: Version / thickness of the saw blade
- No. 6/0 = 0.18 mm
- No. 5/0 = 0.20 mm
- No. 4/0 = 0.22 mm
- No. 3/0 = 0.24 mm
- No. 2/0 = 0.26 mm
- No. 1/0 = 0.28 mm
- No. 1 = 0.30 mm
- No. 2 = 0.33 mm
- No. 3 = 0.36 mm
- No. 4 = 0.38 mm
- No. 5 = 0.40 mm
- No. 6 = 0.44 mm
- 12x Funduino fretsaw blades, 130mm for metal - various sizes to choose from